Every single cigarette damages the vascular walls and encourages arteriosclerosis.

Διακοπή καπνίσματος. ψ

«Ο βελονισμός με κρύο λέιζερ laser δρα σε τρία επίπεδα: Σε πρώτο επίπεδο παράγονται στον οργανισμό ενδογενείς ουσίες που μοιάζουν με τη νικοτίνη και δεν υπάρχει στέρηση. Στη συνέχεια ο καπνιστής χαλαρώνει, απαλλάσσεται από το άγχος, το στρες και την υπερένταση που τον κάνουν συνήθως να ζητάει τσιγάρο και σε τρίτο επίπεδο δημιουργείται υπεραιμία στη βλεννογόνο του στόματος και της μύτης με αποτέλεσμα να προκαλείται απέχθεια προς το τσιγάρο»

The Anne Penman Program is the most advanced treatment for helping

people to stop smoking cigarettes, cigars and e-cigarettes. Because we know

everyone reacts differently, the program is tailored to each individual’s

needs. This means that regardless of how many you smoke or for how long,

this Program can help you achieve your goal to become smoke-free.

It combines:

• Laser Therapy

• Counselling

• Continual Support and Motivation

Laser Therapy

Laser Therapy is a well-established therapeutic technique with a wide range

of medical applications. The Anne Penman method utilizes a cold, soft laser

beam which is applied to specific energy points on the hands, ears, nose

and, wrists. When you stop smoking, a sudden drop in endorphin levels

leads to withdrawal symptoms of stress and tension.

Our procedure helps to promote the release of endorphins, natural chemicals

in the body associated with the spontaneous relief of pain and stress. When

using the Anne Penman Laser Therapy method, clients may experience a

soothing feeling of well-being.

Laser treatment can help reduce cravings, stress, and restore balance.

The laser acts as a calming agent so that when you stop smoking, the

withdrawal symptoms often associated with quitting are either greatly reduced

or completely eliminated.


Counselling focuses on self-belief and positive thinking. We help you deal

with the emotional, physical and psychological aspects of quitting smoking.

During your session we will discuss your lifestyle, the role smoking plays in

your life, when and where you smoke, the factors that lead you to smoke

and your dependency level.

We will offer you a nicotine addiction test to help you understand your level

of addiction and a carbon monoxide test to measure the amount of carbon

monoxide currently in your lungs and blood stream. We use the carbon

monoxide monitor as a motivational tool to help track your success.

Continual Support and Motivation

Our highly trained staff and telephone help-line offer extra support. It focuses

on individual needs. Most clients feel apprehensive about giving up. We

understand this is a huge

decision for you and we do not take your commitment lightly.

Our programme can help anyone to quit cigarettes, cigars, and e-cigarettes.

The programme consists of three sessions: The first session is one hour long

and this is usually all that is required to become smoke-free. However, we

understand that the first 2 or 3 days of quitting smoking are crucial and to

maximise your success we recommend a second session within that period.

Further sessions can be arranged depending on individual need. These sessions

are offered to help you remain smoke-free.